Touch-The TV Show

During a recent Ice/sleet storm, we were forced to use Sherry’s Droid phone as a hotspot to connect to the internet and Netflix as our cable service was down. This event gave us the opportunity to view a TV show on Netflix called “Touch” of which we had no previous knowledge. As a matter of fact we assumed from the title and brief description that it was a feature length movie. Sherry was interested in the story because it was based on an autistic child with remarkable abilities.

Upon viewing the show we found that it was a TV series that had run on the Fox TV Network from Jan 2012 to May 2013. The story told of a widowed father’s quest to keep his idiot-savant son from forces determined to use his unique ability for other than that beneficial to all.

The boy had a special gift for seeing patterns and events in numbers which led to situations worldwide by touching the lives of all those who were involved to their positive benefit. Thus the title “Touch”. The show’s premise of global contact via electronic transmission and the effect that one small incident can have on groups explains in vivid detail the answer to a question I had posed to Sherry earlier in the week when I posted a paragraph from her book “The Law of Abundance”. I asked, what did the “Collective” mean? Her reply was “The collective capacity of Humanity in general”. This TV show gave greater insight by demonstrating that we are all connected in some way and that an action in one place can affect the lives of those around the world.

In addition, I feel there is another reason we were directed to this show. I think it demonstrates the using stories to subtly present wisdom and truths to people in general much like the use of parables by the ancient philosophers. Many will view it as an entertaining story, but others will understand the deeper message and take heart in the reinforcement of the faith in their own awareness of the Collective.

If you haven’t seen this show and the premise sounds intriguing to you, I would highly recommend viewing it.

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