The Impossible Can Become Possible

The Law of Gravity existed long before Isaac Newton explained how it worked and , though people were using the law instinctively, no one was able to purposefully take advantage of the properties of gravity because they didn’t know what they were. An understanding of the precision and predictability of the properties of gravity has made all kinds of things that once seemed impossible entirely possible. Through understanding how gravity works, we have accomplished some amazing feats, such as sending men to the moon and Rovers to explore Mars. Our early ancestors were unable to even think of such things.

Understanding the principles of the Law of Abundance can have a similar impact on your life. You will discover how things you once thought impossible are entirely possible. You will know exactly where you have been unwittingly using the law erroneously and you will know how to redirect your energies to get exactly the outcomes you want. Then you can set a purposeful course to arrive at exactly the place you intend just as effectively as scientist now use their understanding of gravity to put satellites in orbit and send spacecraft to other planets.

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