Opposites Do Attract

An important aspect of the abundance formula is attraction. By using the same plus/minus principle that attracts atoms to one another, we can apply it to humans. As an example, a man is strongly attracted to a woman and wants to know her. They live in the same apartment complex and every time he sees her, he goes out of his way to get her attention. He makes it clear that he is interested and does what ever he can to be in her good graces.

The man is the active (+) part of the equation, but he needs a receptive complement to complete the bond. So, unless the woman is receptive (-) to his actions and intentions, everything he does is just wasted energy. If the woman is repelled by the man and his actions, not only is there no receptivity, the combination actually becomes repellant. He is not only wasting his energy, if he continues to pursue , there is likely to be trouble. The same principle holds true for all relationships. If a woman is interested in a man, the man has to be receptive to her attentions and actions of no connection occurs.

For attraction to occur, both an active (+) and a receptive (-) charge must be present. It is this fact that the Law of Attraction, as it is usually presented, fails to make clear. The things we give our attention, focus, and faith to are certainly factors that set energy in motion toward outcomes, both wanted and unwanted. But, there is much more to it than that, as the Law of Abundance makes totally clear.

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