Monthly Archives: December 2013

Helping Rather Than Controlling

To answer the question “What about hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, and other disasters?”, we can’t control nature, but we can control how we respond to it and we respond better as a community. If we collectively put our minds to finding … Continue reading

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Subtle , But Important Distinctions

In our individual lives, we can go in search of precise answers only when we understand exactly where to look and what we need to focus on. Yet, living abundantly has been presented much like the hypothetical question about the … Continue reading

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Asking the Right Questions

The importance of the collective (The collective capacity of mankind in general) has been expressed since recorded history, but has been poorly understood. The ability to profit from the knowledge that others have gained, to love and be loved, to … Continue reading

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Creating a Workable Formula

Natural Laws cannot be violated. Just as we try fly like a bird, without wings or a source of external power, we are pulled to earth by the Law of Gravity. Not until we have learned to apply other factors … Continue reading

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The Abundance Formula is More than Conscious Knowledge

We know from personal observation or direct experience that we can’t ask for robust health or great wealth and then spend all of our time sitting around eating junk food and watching TV. We can’t pray or positive think our … Continue reading

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Why Abundance is Illusive

Since recorded history, those who have tapped into the vast abundance of the universe have been trying to teach others how to do the same. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of pioneers have stepped forward to proclaim that the universe is abundant … Continue reading

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Why All Aren’t Abundant

The reason the vast majority of people are struggling is because there have been no reliable means for clearly understanding how the law that guides every outcome works, so we have been inadvertently misapplying our energies and efforts. The Law of … Continue reading

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Abundance is a Natural State of Being

Everything in the universe suggests that the natural flow of energy is toward positive abundance–that is a sufficient and ever increasing supply of conditions that result in improved outcomes. The universe is expanding, for example, and life is evolving toward … Continue reading

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How Abundance Works

There is a reason why life in the world we have created has grown less satisfying and more stressful as we try harder and harder to meet the demands of the day; why in spite of all our efforts, most … Continue reading

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The Abundance Formula

If you don’t already have an abundance of everything you desire in life; happiness. fulfilling relationships, financial health, physical fitness, personal success and a deep satisfaction, it’s certain that you are not completely aligned with the master law that governs … Continue reading

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