Monthly Archives: January 2014

Do Opposites Really Attract?

Science tells us that opposites attract. This is true energetically and often true of relationships, but as in science, the principle only applies to the energy we bring to the relationship, and that energy needs to be balanced for harmony … Continue reading

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The True Quantum Leap

What prevents people, even those who are diligently trying to change their lives and outcomes, from succeeding?  Research suggests that only 5% of what prevents us from succeeding is external conditions, and that 95% is internal beliefs. There is a … Continue reading

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Is PTSD Really A Disorder?

In February of 2012, I (Sherry) began a study to determine the effectiveness of a method I developed in treating combat related post traumatic stress (PTSD). The method is called Rapidly Accelerated Mind Patterning (RAMP) and it has a long … Continue reading

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Strong Women Make Better Marital Partners

In todays society it is still difficult for many women to exert their power because of early childhood negative conditioning and later media advertising messages. Dr. Fran Cohen Praver discusses how to overcome these limitations and become a truly fulfilled … Continue reading

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The Lack of Upward Mobility in the Poor

Writer Glennie Burks defines the major societal problem, why so few are rising above the status of poverty, in today’s January 18, 2014 Dallas Morning News Opinion Column. It, also, compliments today’s post at Both postings deal with the problem of an inherent mindset that … Continue reading

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The “Me Me Me Generation” and the Truth

  Here is an excellent explanation of millennials by an individual of that generation. The writer, Mac McCann, is clearly the antithesis of that common belief held by so many. A belief that definitely needs to be revised. We’re millennials, and we’re not very popular. … Continue reading

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Denial of Truth

It is interesting, when someone speaks about the true meaning of what the man the Christian world calls “Jesus The Christ” taught, so many, who claim to be a Christian and a believer, deny the truth as in the following article.  Nearly all … Continue reading

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Too Good To Be True?

We’ve all heard the expression “Too good to be true” when it comes to evaluating a story that defies the odds or that involves sales promotion and usually the statement is correct.  All too often the story has been a … Continue reading

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