The True Quantum Leap

What prevents people, even those who are diligently trying to change their lives and outcomes, from succeeding?  Research suggests that only 5% of what prevents us from succeeding is external conditions, and that 95% is internal beliefs. There is a lot of evidence to back this up.

Think of the people in the world with truly great handicaps that still are accomplishingNick Vijicic great things. An example is Nick Vujicic who was born with no arms and no legs, yet he has an amazingly positive attitude, is happily married, has a beautiful child, and is very successful in his work and life.  (Click on the link to see a video of him delivering his message.

Most people don’t have anywhere near the challenges of a man with no arms or legs. Those limitations don’t stop Nick, yet there are millions of people with no physical handicaps who are stuck and struggling. Why?  Mindset.

The biggest handicap any of us can have is a mindset handicap. That’s because the subconscious mind is the most powerful force in human functioning. It literally runs the show. Because Nick has the right mindset, the inconvenience of no arms or legs has not stopped him.  Because the healthy, strapping bum begging on the side of the street has a handicapped mindset, the convenience of arms and legs don’t matter.

For years, therapists have sought to eliminate mental and emotional handicaps through “talk therapy” or medication. The most popular form of talk therapy right now is Cognitive Therapy or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). It helps, to be sure, but because CBT is an outside-in approach; that is, it addresses the conscious mind rather than the subconscious, it takes a lot of time and doesn’t work well for many people.

Sadly, more popular than cognitive or other therapies, is prescribing drugs. This is a real travesty because drugs just mask the real issues and the side-effects are horrific. Masking an issue never removes it, so people with depression continue to be depressed. People with anxiety continue to be anxious. People with “bi-polar disorder” continue to cycle between depression and mania. Mania, by the way, is a state of extreme euphoria and there’s a reason for that. If you want to know more about it read The Origin and Cure for Bipolar Disorder at Here’s the link to the article.  

To finally get unstuck and take a quantum leap to the life you dream of having, you have to go straight to the source of the problem and get rid of it. Conversations with the conscious mind, affirmations, rituals and pills won’t get you there. To get to the source, you’ll need to make changes at the subconscious level.

The most effective method we know of for doing that is a method called Rapidly Accelerated Mind Patterning (RAMP). RAMP is  a quick, simple, exceptionally effective process that immediately and permanently removes fears, anxieties, emotional blocks, and all kinds of mentally and emotionally based blocks. You can learn more about RAMP at

Life is too short to stay to stay stuck and it’s too short to waste time trying to get where we want to go. The most valuable gift you will ever give yourself or anyone else, is the gift of time well spent.  It is here that we experience that glorious state which Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi describes in his book Flow. It’s what makes life worth living.

Princess DianaWe spend a lot of time chasing money and possessions in search of what we already own. Money, in and of itself, cannot make us happy and neither can all the possessions we can gather. Proof of that is Princess Diana. She was a beautiful woman who was blessed with a perfectly healthy body. She had the life of fairy tales; a prince for a husband, a castle to live in, all the money and privilege she could ever want, two beautiful children who adored her and the adoration of thousands of fans. But they weren’t enough. She had a big hole in her heart that none of those things could fill. Contrast Princess Diana to Nick Vujicic who is living a full and happy life. He knows the value of a time well-spent and he takes full advantage of it.

If you are not as happy, fulfilled and successful as Nick, stop looking outside yourself. The solutions are not out there. Change your mindset and you will change your life. Not at some time in the distant future, but right away and that’s a leap we should all want to take. 

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