Can You Hear Me Now?

The phone rang as George and I were preparing for our morning exercise and meditation, so we let the answering machine pick it up. The caller had dialed the wrong number and left a message about someone’s hearing aids.

We mused about the call and George stated that he often got calls from Hearing
Aid companies because his mother had worn them and they assumed he would need
them. He commented that his hearing wad good except for high tones that matched the ringing caused by tinnitus.

“Funny thing is,” he said, “is that I don’t notice the ringing until I think about.” This led to a discussion of the power of the subconscious mind which led to a discussion of the power of the Universe to direct energy beyond what we generally consider.

We had no control over the phone call yet it was instrumental in generating new
insights. We have had no control over many things; some of which are aggravating and some of which seem miraculous. Like a little Hibiscus tree I bought before George and I got married which produced only two beautiful blooms in its lifetime and those two blooms issued forth in amazing glory on our wedding day like a gift of celebration from the Universe.

Most of us believe that every result is up to us. This limits our ability to tap into all the possibilities that are around us all the time and to experience the miracles which regularly occur when caring people come together to support one another.

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