Problems Are Gifts

What appears to be a difficulty or a problem is a GIFT. The purpose of the gift is to enable you to grow to your fullest capacity. As long as you see the gift as a problem and resist it, the Giver of the Gift will continue to present it to you. When you have learned to accept the gift, utilize it and be thankful for the growth the gift brings you, similar gifts will cease to be presented, as growth in that particular area will no longer be required.

Never in the life of man will man be without such Gifts, for there is always room for growth and upward evolution. When you no longer need growth in the earth plane, you will cease to exist in that plane.

You will never have an uneventful life, nor would you really want one. You only think you do. Learn to find the lesson in the Gift and appreciate the opportunity for growth that the Gift brings, then prepare yourself for your next Gift and the opportunity it provides you, for surely it will arrive.

As long as you reject the Gift; as long as you see the Gift as a problem to be avoided or resisted, you will not know growth and you will not know peace.

Learn to embrace the Gifts that are presented to you for they are all given for your benefit.


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