Helping Rather Than Controlling

To answer the question “What about hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, and other disasters?”, we can’t control nature, but we can control how we respond to it and we respond better as a community. If we collectively put our minds to finding better ways to  live in the world safely and effectively rather than spending so much energy trying to control one another, we could find effective ways to live in harmony with each other and with nature.

The invention of the Doppler Radar system is an example of human ingenuity that has given us a means of early warning to enable us to avoid many types of storms. An early warning for earthquakes , tsunamis, and other ground-based disasters is in the process of being perfected. There is little we could not accomplish, if we were all focused on enhancing one another’s lives.

The creation of an ideal world is not as impossible as it sounds, if we could all understand what leads to positive abundance and what prevents it. Then we could predict, with great accuracy, our outcomes and those of every other person, community, or nation.

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