Too Good To Be True?

We’ve all heard the expression “Too good to be true” when it comes to evaluating a story that defies the odds or that involves sales promotion and usually the statement is correct.  All too often the story has been a fabrication or conveniently altered to create interest or produce sales. Sometimes though, what seems too good to be true actually is true. Here is a story that is difficult to believe, but which in truth actually happened.

Carlos, a veteran from the Vietnam War era, was a paratrooper who almost lost his life when his parachute failed to open. He had been dealing with post-traumatic stress since 1967 and had been through all kinds of treatment, all to no avail. He reported that he was only able to function with the help of his daughter. He didn’t like leaving the house and avoided crowds. Part of Carlos’ trauma occurred in a hospital and he was unable to enter one without extreme anxiety. Even four decades later Carlos’ stress levels were in the 6 to 10 range on a scale that measures stress levels (ten being unbearable). Carlos has a very big heart and, in spite of his own battles, was determined to reach out to other veterans who he felt were less fortunate than he. With the help of his daughter, he developed an association through which he and his daughter and a team of volunteers feed hundreds of veterans each month entirely at their own expense.

Carlos initially contacted Psychologist Dr. Sherry Buffington regarding a research program she is conducting in conjunction with The Foundation for Positive Change to establish the efficacy of a method called Rapidly Accelerated Mind Patterning (RAMP) in treating PTSD. The purpose of Carlo’s call was to help other veterans get treatment. In talking with him and discovering he had been battling PTSD for 47 years, Sherry suggested that he too be a part of the study. His session was on September 1, 2013. In little more than an hour Carlos was unable to find a single trace of the stress and anxiety he had been enduring for nearly five decades. In checking with him at the 30 day mark, he reported has was out walking for the first time in years and exercising, and has not had a single episode of anxiety or any situation he could not easily and effectively manage.

An amazing part of this story is that Carlos and Sherry had never personally met, as he lives in Los Angeles, CA and she is in Dallas, TX. All of their communications have been via the telephone. This is another asset of this program in that all contacts are completely private and can be done in the comfort of the home with no stigma of metal health issues attached.

Why and how does this work? RAMP is a method for communicating with the subconscious mind using its language and its rules. The subconscious mind is very cooperative when its rules are followed and the result is immediate and permanent change. In nearly 100% of study participants to date all have reports zero stress at the end of just one session.  The subconscious controls our very existence and, when you get right to the core of the matter, it wants only our survival and happiness. The conscious mind is logical where the subconscious is imaginal and the information it receives only needs to make sense conceptually. Problems arise when conscious desires conflict with subconscious programs. When that occurs, the result is emotional pain, anger, frustration, fear and all kinds of mental and physical distress.  A person with conflicts such as PTSD or depression can have this conversion while relaxed in the comfort of their home. The rewrite often takes less than an hour and the results are always positive and lasting, and the recipient ecstatic.

Additional information can obtained at or, as a military veteran with PTSD, you can sign up to be part of the PTS Free study at Treatment is free to study volunteers and, like Carlos, you can be post traumatic stress free in as little as an hour.  Too good to be true? Try it and find out for yourself.

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