The Abundance Formula

If you don’t already have an abundance of everything you desire in life; happiness. fulfilling relationships, financial health, physical fitness, personal success and a deep satisfaction, it’s certain that you are not completely aligned with the master law that governs all outcomes. Once you are in alignment, it is just as certain that all these things will be yours to what ever degree you choose.

This is a certainty because the same energy that directs the Universe and everything in it, every moment of every day; which precisely and predictably determines the form, nature, path, and outcomes of all of things, also precisely and predictably directs the life and outcomes of every person on this planet.

For millennia the few who have understood how to apply the principles of this master law correctly have used it to gain mastery over their own lives, amassed great wealth and shaped the world we live in. Yet, until recently, no one has taken this magnificent power, which works so perfectly that all science, industry, and technology have emerged from it, and presented it in a way that can be applied with the same precision to humanity.

Because the principles that govern energy have remained a mystery in human terms, very few have chanced upon the right formula. Because those few who arrived did so by chance, explaining the formula completely enough to allow anyone choosing to reproduce their successes has proven next to impossible. Nonetheless, the evidence those fortunate few presented has induced many, if not most of us to keep trying

For those seeking a life of abundance, the abundance principles section of this site will endeavor to outline in comprehensive detail that formula and how to achieve the abundance you desire.

If you are in a hurry to learn more about this law and begin applying the principles, you can go to There you will find the only four energy paths that can be taken and can learn more about how the law works and how to apply it to get the outcomes you want. We call this master law the Law of Abundance because it always leads to an abundance of something. Use it wisely and well and it leads to an abundance of the things you want. Use it unwisely and it leads to an abundance of things you do not want.

You can also purchase the book, The Law of Abundance, which explains the                Law of Abundance
principles of this master law in detail from the Law of Abundance site
or through Amazon


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