How Abundance Works

There is a reason why life in the world we have created has grown less satisfying and more stressful as we try harder and harder to meet the demands of the day; why in spite of all our efforts, most of us have not produced outcomes that we have envisioned or the life we dream about. There is an unfailing solution; a clear model that anyone can follow based in a law as completely predicable and dependable as the Law of Gravity and this blog is about the law—the Law of Abundance.

The Law of Abundance is a science based set of principles that work all the time, every time, for anyone and everyone, bringing each of us absolutely predictable outcomes. The mystery will be removed from the process of creating abundance in what way you define it and hands you an unfailing formula for mastering your life and outcomes.

The principles that underlie the Law of Abundance impact each of us on every level; personally, in families, in communities, nationally. and globally. Just as energy works perfectly and predictably to power your home, it works perfectly and predictably to power your life and does so in a completely non-discriminating way. each of us receives an abundance of whatever we consciously or unconsciously set into motion, whether good or bad. It behooves us then, to understand the principles that drive our outcomes and consciously choose our paths.

If you believe you have tried every possible technique to create wealth and prosperity without success, if may seem incomprehensible that abundance is not only available to everyone, but that it exists as an unfailing law. But the law does not dictate what we will have an abundance of. That is dependent on how we use it. The fact is we have an abundance of something. Those who are struggling are typically receiving an abundance of things they don’t want and the struggle is actually part of the problem.


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