Why All Aren’t Abundant

The reason the vast majority of people are struggling is becauseĀ there have been no reliable means for clearly understanding how the law that guides every outcome works, so we have been inadvertently misapplying our energies and efforts. The Law of Abundance makes it clear that we either set things in motion toward an outcome–positive or negative–or we stall energy and stay stuck in one place. Also, it explains precisely how and why this is so. By knowing how and why we are getting every result, we can make purposeful adjustments that allow us to work in harmony with the law so we are moving consistently toward an abundance of the things we desire.

When we have learned in larger measure how to use this unfailing law to our advantage, there is no question that we can literally change the world. We can create the life we dreams of, and not just for ourselves, but for our families, communities, nations, and the world. That isĀ our goal.

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