The Abundance Formula is More than Conscious Knowledge

We know from personal observation or direct experience that we can’t ask for robust health or great wealth and then spend all of our time sitting around eating junk food and watching TV. We can’t pray or positive think our way out of a rush hour traffic jam or wish an untended yard will become lush and well groomed.

Yet many who aspire to teach success and abundance principles seem to imply that such outcomes are possible. These people are not out to deceive anyone generally. In most case, they have applied the formula they espouse to their lives and have gotten the exact results they are promising you. Because it worked for them, they believe it will work in the same way for others, if they follow the same formula, and they are correct. It will work provided the entire formula is correctly applied. The problem is that the entire formula is not consciously known and, unless it is, it can’t be fully presented or correctly applied.

As an example, being able to present only what is consciously known, can be shown by using automobile drivers. Some people are very good at driving and there are some, such as like a Mario Andretti or Jimmy Johnson, who become rich and famous at it. Others are extremely bad drivers and frequently get tickets or get into wrecks. Most are just average drivers who lie somewhere between the extremes. Yet, if you ask successful, average, and bad drivers how to drive a car, each will give you similar answers.

The professional drivers will certainly know more than the bad driver and may give you some great pointers, but they won’t be able to tell you every single thing they do that makes them a great driver. They can’t tell you because they aren’t aware of everything they do. What they are able to convey is often not that much different from what a conscientious, but not great driver may tell you. To duplicate the success of a great driver, you must know and be able to duplicate every significant thing they do.

The same is true of creating abundance. Until you have the entire formula, you will not be able to see what is truly significant for success. The key to the formula is everywhere around us and all we have to do to understand it it understand the law of energy. That’s because everything, including you are me, is made up of energy and all things must obey the laws of energy.

The best place to look to understand the laws of energy as the affect humanity is at electricity since it is a representation of harnessed energy just as we are.

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