Creating a Workable Formula

Natural Laws cannot be violated. Just as we try fly like a bird, without wings or a source of external power, we are pulled to earth by the Law of Gravity. Not until we have learned to apply other factors like Aerodynamics and Thermodynamics, can we hope to escape the Gravitational effect because the law applies all the time and in every circumstance.

The Law of Abundance is such a law and we, in trying to find the right formula, have been trying to fly without the proper knowledge and understanding. Like the early would-be flyers, the vast majority of us have gotten results we did not want and did not intend. Different formulas have been offered, but the result has been essentially the same. We have failed to create abundance for any and all who seek it.

The information gathered here to help us define the formula has mainly come from three sources; science, philosophy, and religion. Each of these disciplines has greatly contributed to our understanding and well-being. Each has given us an important part of the equation, but like the proverbial blind men examining different parts of the elephant, each group has been examining the world and us from a different perspective. Consequently we get conflicting information and can’t determine definitively who is right. No single perspective gives the entire picture or the means to affect our outcomes in predictable and beneficial ways nor can it.

One of the many great benefits of the Law of Abundance is that it brings together each of the three ways of knowing—empirical evidence (science), reason (philosophy), and faith (religion)—so that a complete picture and truly workable formula emerges.

It meets scientific ways of knowing in that the principles that drive abundance can be measured, quantified, and qualified. The results are completely predictable because the law follows precise rules which never vary.

It meets philosophical ways of knowing in that it encourages questioning, learning, and the pursuit of wisdom by intellectual means. It presents evidence that moral self-discipline is not just a nice philosophic idea, but a necessary part of an abundant life.

It meets religious ways of knowing in that it embraces the mysteries of life. It not only allows for faith, but shows precisely how, why, and in what forms faith is necessary for sustaining abundance.

We need all three ways of knowing to have the entire picture. We can’t take a few pieces of life’s great puzzle and assume we have the whole answer. Trying to do so only leads to less of what we want as seen in the condition of the masses of humanity. Nevertheless, a rule of the law of Abundance is that nothing is ever lost, so whatever time, energy, and money that has been spent in seeking ways to live a happier, healthier, more abundant life has not been wasted. It adds something useful, if only a new awareness

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