Author Archives: admin

From a Higher Perspective – Introduction

Purposeful Consciousness Life from a higher perspective is about focusing on what matters, living consciously and on purpose, stepping outside the limitations imposed by the opinions of others which lead us to doubt our true capacity, and claiming our greatness. … Continue reading

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A Single Simple Truth

During a family gathering over Christmas a family member who identifies himself as a Christian and one who considers himself an atheist got into an argument over religious beliefs. The position of the Christian was that Jesus was a savior … Continue reading

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Problems Are Gifts

What appears to be a difficulty or a problem is a GIFT. The purpose of the gift is to enable you to grow to your fullest capacity. As long as you see the gift as a problem and resist it, … Continue reading

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The symphony of Life

In reality we are just one part of a great symphony of life. We play one instrument–ours–and that is all we have control of. If we play our own instrument beautifully and choose the orchestra we play in carefully, the odds … Continue reading

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Can You Hear Me Now?

The phone rang as George and I were preparing for our morning exercise and meditation, so we let the answering machine pick it up. The caller had dialed the wrong number and left a message about someone’s hearing aids. We mused … Continue reading

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An Ice Cream Misadventure

The Mishap: It was a summer job of many years ago that almost gave me a permanent distaste for the frozen delight. The job was driving an ice cream truck, not the “Good Humor” kind, but a large Ford F-8 … Continue reading

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The Key to the Kingdom

The kingdom referred to in the title of this post is the kingdom of the mind; the center of all passion, all motivation and every outcome.The key to that kingdom is the alignment of conscious desires and subconscious patterns. Having studied … Continue reading

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The Lesson of the Quarter

Sherry and I were enjoying a wonderful relaxation weekend in Hot Springs, Arkansas celebrating our 18th wedding anniversary. We had been waiting for a bus that provides free rides to points of interest in the area and were becoming extremely … Continue reading

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The Canary’s Tale

In her book “The Law of Abundance”, Sherry describes in detail how the law works and how to use it to gain abundance in what you most desire. She, also, warns that you must be very specific in what you … Continue reading

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A Different Way to View Problems

What appears to be a difficulty or a problem is a GIFT. The purpose of the gift is to enable you to grow to your fullest capacity. As long as you see the gift as a problem and resist it, … Continue reading

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