Author Archives: admin

Some Sanity in the World of Sports

The Huffington Post by Ryan Grenoble              Posted:             02/12/2014 7:10 pm EST        Sports broadcasts are typically known for their punchy lists of best plays, epic goal countdowns and testosterone-fueled commentary. Which makes Dale Hansen’s address Monday night all the more remarkable. The Dallas … Continue reading

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The Creative Force is Limitless

If the previous post regarding the postulation that Creation is not logical, seems to be a an incorrect statement consider the following explanation of Creativity. Logic sees limits Reason sees possibility Possibility without limits is Creativity Creativity and logic cannot co-exist … Continue reading

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The Relationship of Man to God and Creation

  The following is a most interesting treatise postulating the relationship of man to God and Creation. God is the Creator Creativity is of God Creativity is not logical Logic is man’s ego invention Man can create Man is God’s … Continue reading

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How Can We Recognize Truth?

To recognized and understand truth consider this. When the Spirit hears Truth and rejoices in it, the result is that indefinable peace. While there is a willingness to share, there is no need to convert others, nor to persuade or … Continue reading

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The Things of Spirit

How can you discern what is true from what is false? How can you know that the information you receive from some unknown place is not of your own making?  How can you feel confident that what you have received is indeed of spirit … Continue reading

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Do Opposites Really Attract?

Science tells us that opposites attract. This is true energetically and often true of relationships, but as in science, the principle only applies to the energy we bring to the relationship, and that energy needs to be balanced for harmony … Continue reading

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The True Quantum Leap

What prevents people, even those who are diligently trying to change their lives and outcomes, from succeeding?  Research suggests that only 5% of what prevents us from succeeding is external conditions, and that 95% is internal beliefs. There is a … Continue reading

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Is PTSD Really A Disorder?

In February of 2012, I (Sherry) began a study to determine the effectiveness of a method I developed in treating combat related post traumatic stress (PTSD). The method is called Rapidly Accelerated Mind Patterning (RAMP) and it has a long … Continue reading

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Strong Women Make Better Marital Partners

In todays society it is still difficult for many women to exert their power because of early childhood negative conditioning and later media advertising messages. Dr. Fran Cohen Praver discusses how to overcome these limitations and become a truly fulfilled … Continue reading

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The Lack of Upward Mobility in the Poor

Writer Glennie Burks defines the major societal problem, why so few are rising above the status of poverty, in today’s January 18, 2014 Dallas Morning News Opinion Column. It, also, compliments today’s post at Both postings deal with the problem of an inherent mindset that … Continue reading

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