Category Archives: Mind

Can You Hear Me Now?

The phone rang as George and I were preparing for our morning exercise and meditation, so we let the answering machine pick it up. The caller had dialed the wrong number and left a message about someone’s hearing aids. We mused … Continue reading

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A Different Way to View Problems

What appears to be a difficulty or a problem is a GIFT. The purpose of the gift is to enable you to grow to your fullest capacity. As long as you see the gift as a problem and resist it, … Continue reading

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The True Quantum Leap

What prevents people, even those who are diligently trying to change their lives and outcomes, from succeeding?  Research suggests that only 5% of what prevents us from succeeding is external conditions, and that 95% is internal beliefs. There is a … Continue reading

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Is PTSD Really A Disorder?

In February of 2012, I (Sherry) began a study to determine the effectiveness of a method I developed in treating combat related post traumatic stress (PTSD). The method is called Rapidly Accelerated Mind Patterning (RAMP) and it has a long … Continue reading

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