Category Archives: Abundance Principles

Is PTSD Really A Disorder?

In February of 2012, I (Sherry) began a study to determine the effectiveness of a method I developed in treating combat related post traumatic stress (PTSD). The method is called Rapidly Accelerated Mind Patterning (RAMP) and it has a long … Continue reading

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Strong Women Make Better Marital Partners

In todays society it is still difficult for many women to exert their power because of early childhood negative conditioning and later media advertising messages. Dr. Fran Cohen Praver discusses how to overcome these limitations and become a truly fulfilled … Continue reading

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The Lack of Upward Mobility in the Poor

Writer Glennie Burks defines the major societal problem, why so few are rising above the status of poverty, in today’s January 18, 2014 Dallas Morning News Opinion Column. It, also, compliments today’s post at Both postings deal with the problem of an inherent mindset that … Continue reading

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A Truly Higher Perspective

Here is an example of a person with a truly higher perspective. She recognizes the service others provide for her benefit while they would undoubtedly rather be with their family and friends. Kindness and understanding does matter. “Today, a passenger … Continue reading

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Wendy Davis, Texan of the Year Finalist

Although some don’t agree with her politics, most would agree that Wendy Davis has spunk. She has risen above obstacles that have stymied so many others and has become an example of dedication, spirit, and the desire to serve.  If we all fought as … Continue reading

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Clarifying Positive and Negative

To understand how the Law of Abundance works, it’s important to be clear on positive (+) and negative (-) energy. Physiologists and electricians use the terms “positive” and “negative”  when referring to the properties of energy. These designations have absolutely … Continue reading

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Opposites Do Attract

An important aspect of the abundance formula is attraction. By using the same plus/minus principle that attracts atoms to one another, we can apply it to humans. As an example, a man is strongly attracted to a woman and wants … Continue reading

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The Impossible Can Become Possible

The Law of Gravity existed long before Isaac Newton explained how it worked and , though people were using the law instinctively, no one was able to purposefully take advantage of the properties of gravity because they didn’t know what … Continue reading

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The Power of Knowledge

The reason the masses of humanity “lead lives of quiet desperation” is because the majority of us are unwittingly creating conditions that keep us stuck or lead to an abundance of things we do not want. Since we are all … Continue reading

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We Do Not Live in a Vacuum

The way we use energy always takes us closer to or farther away from the things we desire, directly impacts outcomes, and precisely determines what we will regularly experience. Regularly is the operative word here. For any of us to … Continue reading

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