Category Archives: Relationships

Some Sanity in the World of Sports

The Huffington Post by Ryan Grenoble              Posted:             02/12/2014 7:10 pm EST        Sports broadcasts are typically known for their punchy lists of best plays, epic goal countdowns and testosterone-fueled commentary. Which makes Dale Hansen’s address Monday night all the more remarkable. The Dallas … Continue reading

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Do Opposites Really Attract?

Science tells us that opposites attract. This is true energetically and often true of relationships, but as in science, the principle only applies to the energy we bring to the relationship, and that energy needs to be balanced for harmony … Continue reading

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Strong Women Make Better Marital Partners

In todays society it is still difficult for many women to exert their power because of early childhood negative conditioning and later media advertising messages. Dr. Fran Cohen Praver discusses how to overcome these limitations and become a truly fulfilled … Continue reading

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Opposites Do Attract

An important aspect of the abundance formula is attraction. By using the same plus/minus principle that attracts atoms to one another, we can apply it to humans. As an example, a man is strongly attracted to a woman and wants … Continue reading

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Touch-The TV Show

During a recent Ice/sleet storm, we were forced to use Sherry’s Droid phone as a hotspot to connect to the internet and Netflix as our cable service was down. This event gave us the opportunity to view a TV show … Continue reading

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