We Do Not Live in a Vacuum

The way we use energy always takes us closer to or farther away from the things we desire, directly impacts outcomes, and precisely determines what we will regularly experience. Regularly is the operative word here. For any of us to directly determine every single thing that occurred in our experience, life would have to exist in a vacuum where intentions of others or natural forces never impacted us in any way, but no one lives in a vacuum. In fact, life cannot exist in a vacuum. Life is dynamic and in a dynamic world we can still be affected by things we didn’t intend or create.

While we may not attract or create all of the unwelcome events that occur in our lives, we do create what we regularly experience when we are in a position to choose our outcomes. This describes most adults in developed countries, as well as every government in the world. Our regular experiences are not happenstance. We directly impact them.

Those who misuse energy , whether purposely or inadvertently, create greater limitations and difficulties for themselves and  for all who are directly subject to their decisions and actions. Those who use it wisely and purposefully to shape their own lives well experience greater abundance for themselves and all whom they directly impact. Where greater abundance occurs, we are far better equipped to handle the occasional difficulties that arise unexpectedly.

Because energy naturally flow toward beneficial abundance, doesn’t mean that nothing unfortunate can happen in our lives. Life is a symphony where many factors are constantly interacting and impacting each other. Bad things do happen to good people, but those who know how to use energy’s natural flow and how it works with the Law of Abundance have a wealth of things they desire , including the strength and ability to handle an occasional crisis. Those who ignore it or work against it have fewer resources.

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The Basis of the Law of Abundance is Energy

The principles behind the Law of Abundance were identified, defined, and proven scientifically valid many years ago. But, until recently, there was no explanation of how humans fit into that picture. Although we have the science and benefit from it daily, we haven’t come close to profiting from it as fully as we might. To fully profit, we must know how the principles that drive energy apply to us personally and to all people. We must be able to see that the natural flow of energy in the human experience is toward positive abundance; that is, toward an ample supply of all the things that lead to satisfaction and happiness.

Whenever you flip on a light switch or start your car, you are using the principles that drive the Law of Abundance. This powerful, all encompassing force, which we call energy, produces every outcome and impacts each of us in far greater ways than most of us have ever imagined. It doesn’t just power our sun and the many products we regularly enjoy, it powers, directs, and defines our lives on every level and in every way. We direct energy to a far greater extent than most believe and the way we manage it has a direct impact on our lives from a personal to a global level.

The Law of Abundance doesn’t guarantee what we will have an abundance of however. There are four energy combinations and only one leads to an abundance of the things we want. The others either keep us stuck, in which case we have an abundance of frustration, or lead to negative abundance, which is an abundance of things we do NOT want.

Here are the four energy paths. Each will be covered in more detail in future posts.

Positive Abundance Path

Negative Abundance Path

Stuck in Delusion

Stuck in Fear

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Touch-The TV Show

During a recent Ice/sleet storm, we were forced to use Sherry’s Droid phone as a hotspot to connect to the internet and Netflix as our cable service was down. This event gave us the opportunity to view a TV show on Netflix called “Touch” of which we had no previous knowledge. As a matter of fact we assumed from the title and brief description that it was a feature length movie. Sherry was interested in the story because it was based on an autistic child with remarkable abilities.

Upon viewing the show we found that it was a TV series that had run on the Fox TV Network from Jan 2012 to May 2013. The story told of a widowed father’s quest to keep his idiot-savant son from forces determined to use his unique ability for other than that beneficial to all.

The boy had a special gift for seeing patterns and events in numbers which led to situations worldwide by touching the lives of all those who were involved to their positive benefit. Thus the title “Touch”. The show’s premise of global contact via electronic transmission and the effect that one small incident can have on groups explains in vivid detail the answer to a question I had posed to Sherry earlier in the week when I posted a paragraph from her book “The Law of Abundance”. I asked, what did the “Collective” mean? Her reply was “The collective capacity of Humanity in general”. This TV show gave greater insight by demonstrating that we are all connected in some way and that an action in one place can affect the lives of those around the world.

In addition, I feel there is another reason we were directed to this show. I think it demonstrates the using stories to subtly present wisdom and truths to people in general much like the use of parables by the ancient philosophers. Many will view it as an entertaining story, but others will understand the deeper message and take heart in the reinforcement of the faith in their own awareness of the Collective.

If you haven’t seen this show and the premise sounds intriguing to you, I would highly recommend viewing it.

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Helping Rather Than Controlling

To answer the question “What about hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, and other disasters?”, we can’t control nature, but we can control how we respond to it and we respond better as a community. If we collectively put our minds to finding better ways to  live in the world safely and effectively rather than spending so much energy trying to control one another, we could find effective ways to live in harmony with each other and with nature.

The invention of the Doppler Radar system is an example of human ingenuity that has given us a means of early warning to enable us to avoid many types of storms. An early warning for earthquakes , tsunamis, and other ground-based disasters is in the process of being perfected. There is little we could not accomplish, if we were all focused on enhancing one another’s lives.

The creation of an ideal world is not as impossible as it sounds, if we could all understand what leads to positive abundance and what prevents it. Then we could predict, with great accuracy, our outcomes and those of every other person, community, or nation.

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Subtle , But Important Distinctions

In our individual lives, we can go in search of precise answers only when we understand exactly where to look and what we need to focus on. Yet, living abundantly has been presented much like the hypothetical question about the tree in the forest. Subtle. but important distinctions have been missing. Without these subtle distinctions, we can not know where to look to find the right answer. We can not know for certain whether the path we are on takes us toward the right outcome or farther away. Everything is open to interpretation and , if we get it wrong, we get the wrong outcome and we don’t know why.

When repeated efforts don’t lead to intended outcomes, and we can’t determine why, we feel out of control and when we feel out of control, the result is often desperation.

Our birthright is abundance, not desperation. For those who are living desperate lives, this statement must seem absurd and hard to buy. Such statements consistently lead to questions such as , “What about people starving in Africa?”, “What about people with cancer through no fault of their own?” and so on.

These are legitimate questions and we can see that they contain their own answers, if we are paying attention to the subtleties that suggest why we are compelled to ask them in the first place. We ask because, at some level, we realize that abundance must first occur collectively.

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Asking the Right Questions

The importance of the collective (The collective capacity of mankind in general) has been expressed since recorded history, but has been poorly understood. The ability to profit from the knowledge that others have gained, to love and be loved, to amass wealth or to have any other aspect of abundance is not possible outside the collective. In fact, we cannot even have life outside the collective. It will be discussed in detail later, but is presented now in brief because, without understanding that collective abundance precedes individual abundance, many questions will arise for which there will appear to be no answers. The answers always exist, if we ask the right questions and look in the right places. But, unless we begin from the right premise, we can’t even ask the right questions, much less answer them.

To demonstrate, we’ve all heard of the question “If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one to hear it, does it still make a sound?” Stated in this form the question can be debated forever. That’s because the person who formulated the question had a clear idea as to exactly what he meant. But the way the question is posed doesn’t allow us to know. Did “no one” mean humans? Did it include animals and other hearing creatures? Did it include recording devices? Since we don’t know for sure, we have to assume, which makes the question highly debatable in its present form.

Suppose the question was posed like this. “If a tree falls in the forest and there is nothing to receive the vibrations as sound, does the tree still make a sound?” We can see that the tree falling certainly provides the potential for sound to occur. The air is still displaced and still moves through space in waves that could result in sound, but with nothing to receive the air waves and transmit them into sound, the potential would not be realized.  That is unless, as some experiments suggest, plants have the capacity to respond to sound.

Clearly, we still don’t have a definitive answer to the question, but now we know where to look for it. We can now narrow our search to the tree itself and to the forest in which it resides. As there is evidence that plants respond to sound, the stimuli part maybe answered. If so, all we have to do now is determine whether plants have the capacity to perceive sound in the precise way the term perceive is intended. By clarifying each part of the equation a precise answer is possible.


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Creating a Workable Formula

Natural Laws cannot be violated. Just as we try fly like a bird, without wings or a source of external power, we are pulled to earth by the Law of Gravity. Not until we have learned to apply other factors like Aerodynamics and Thermodynamics, can we hope to escape the Gravitational effect because the law applies all the time and in every circumstance.

The Law of Abundance is such a law and we, in trying to find the right formula, have been trying to fly without the proper knowledge and understanding. Like the early would-be flyers, the vast majority of us have gotten results we did not want and did not intend. Different formulas have been offered, but the result has been essentially the same. We have failed to create abundance for any and all who seek it.

The information gathered here to help us define the formula has mainly come from three sources; science, philosophy, and religion. Each of these disciplines has greatly contributed to our understanding and well-being. Each has given us an important part of the equation, but like the proverbial blind men examining different parts of the elephant, each group has been examining the world and us from a different perspective. Consequently we get conflicting information and can’t determine definitively who is right. No single perspective gives the entire picture or the means to affect our outcomes in predictable and beneficial ways nor can it.

One of the many great benefits of the Law of Abundance is that it brings together each of the three ways of knowing—empirical evidence (science), reason (philosophy), and faith (religion)—so that a complete picture and truly workable formula emerges.

It meets scientific ways of knowing in that the principles that drive abundance can be measured, quantified, and qualified. The results are completely predictable because the law follows precise rules which never vary.

It meets philosophical ways of knowing in that it encourages questioning, learning, and the pursuit of wisdom by intellectual means. It presents evidence that moral self-discipline is not just a nice philosophic idea, but a necessary part of an abundant life.

It meets religious ways of knowing in that it embraces the mysteries of life. It not only allows for faith, but shows precisely how, why, and in what forms faith is necessary for sustaining abundance.

We need all three ways of knowing to have the entire picture. We can’t take a few pieces of life’s great puzzle and assume we have the whole answer. Trying to do so only leads to less of what we want as seen in the condition of the masses of humanity. Nevertheless, a rule of the law of Abundance is that nothing is ever lost, so whatever time, energy, and money that has been spent in seeking ways to live a happier, healthier, more abundant life has not been wasted. It adds something useful, if only a new awareness

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The Abundance Formula is More than Conscious Knowledge

We know from personal observation or direct experience that we can’t ask for robust health or great wealth and then spend all of our time sitting around eating junk food and watching TV. We can’t pray or positive think our way out of a rush hour traffic jam or wish an untended yard will become lush and well groomed.

Yet many who aspire to teach success and abundance principles seem to imply that such outcomes are possible. These people are not out to deceive anyone generally. In most case, they have applied the formula they espouse to their lives and have gotten the exact results they are promising you. Because it worked for them, they believe it will work in the same way for others, if they follow the same formula, and they are correct. It will work provided the entire formula is correctly applied. The problem is that the entire formula is not consciously known and, unless it is, it can’t be fully presented or correctly applied.

As an example, being able to present only what is consciously known, can be shown by using automobile drivers. Some people are very good at driving and there are some, such as like a Mario Andretti or Jimmy Johnson, who become rich and famous at it. Others are extremely bad drivers and frequently get tickets or get into wrecks. Most are just average drivers who lie somewhere between the extremes. Yet, if you ask successful, average, and bad drivers how to drive a car, each will give you similar answers.

The professional drivers will certainly know more than the bad driver and may give you some great pointers, but they won’t be able to tell you every single thing they do that makes them a great driver. They can’t tell you because they aren’t aware of everything they do. What they are able to convey is often not that much different from what a conscientious, but not great driver may tell you. To duplicate the success of a great driver, you must know and be able to duplicate every significant thing they do.

The same is true of creating abundance. Until you have the entire formula, you will not be able to see what is truly significant for success. The key to the formula is everywhere around us and all we have to do to understand it it understand the law of energy. That’s because everything, including you are me, is made up of energy and all things must obey the laws of energy.

The best place to look to understand the laws of energy as the affect humanity is at electricity since it is a representation of harnessed energy just as we are.

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Why Abundance is Illusive

Since recorded history, those who have tapped into the vast abundance of the universe have been trying to teach others how to do the same. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of pioneers have stepped forward to proclaim that the universe is abundant and that abundance is a natural condition. They have presented hundreds of methods and techniques for tapping into abundance, and on rare occasions, the entire equation has been presented, but without clear explanation of why the formula worked or what to adjust when it didn’t. Thus reproducing their results proved to be almost impossible.

Too often, explanations place too much emphasis on one aspect of the law and too little on another. Sometimes the approach is too esoteric and shrouded in mystery and other times it is too methodical. The esoteric route tends to focus too heavily on the non-physical qualities of thoughts, feelings, and intent, while the methodical route tends to focus too heavily on the value of taking actions and directing events. Too great a focus in either direction can throw us off balance and cause us to miss important clues. Where essential information is missing, a predictable result is not possible.

Just as we can’t solve a mathematical problem if essential variables are missing, neither can we achieve abundance with incomplete information. When we try, we keep getting inconsistencies that can’t be explained or resolved. These inconsistent results lead to doubting the entire process. Once doubt creeps in, skepticism undermines any commitment to the process.

Skepticism is a value trait. It can prevent us from heading down paths that are dead ends or possibly dangerous. Its keeps us searching for truth and questioning anything that fails to deliver consistent results. We look with skepticism on such statements as “Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve” or “Whatever you ask for and fully believe you will receive, the universe always grants your wish” because we know we can’t apply such assertions to every possibility and get consistent results.

For example, we can not conceive of being indestructible and then step in front of a speeding bus without harm or wish for eternal youth and never get a wrinkle. No matter how hard we wish, hope, pray, positive think, or believe we can, we can’t consistently get such outcomes. When a rule does not apply for all, it is human nature to discount the whole concept. The fulfillment of such wishes would be in opposition of natural law, which can not be violated.

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Why All Aren’t Abundant

The reason the vast majority of people are struggling is because there have been no reliable means for clearly understanding how the law that guides every outcome works, so we have been inadvertently misapplying our energies and efforts. The Law of Abundance makes it clear that we either set things in motion toward an outcome–positive or negative–or we stall energy and stay stuck in one place. Also, it explains precisely how and why this is so. By knowing how and why we are getting every result, we can make purposeful adjustments that allow us to work in harmony with the law so we are moving consistently toward an abundance of the things we desire.

When we have learned in larger measure how to use this unfailing law to our advantage, there is no question that we can literally change the world. We can create the life we dreams of, and not just for ourselves, but for our families, communities, nations, and the world. That is our goal.

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